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ConfigurePlus Services is a comprehensive technology solutions provider specializing in a range of services tailored to meet the evolving needs of businesses. As a trusted partner, we offer a wide array of professional services designed to support organizations in optimizing their IT infrastructure and ensuring seamless operations.
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Digital Services | Graphic Design, Digital Branding, Website Design, Digital Ads, Other / General | General, Consultative, Niche, and Miscellaneous Services, Service | Business, Marketing, Advertising, Professional and Legal Services, Technology | Innovative Tech, Web Services, Apps and Digital Evolution
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We at WiNNCK are excited to join the Circulate Black Business Directory. We believe that together we can help to strengthen each other!
WiNNCK offers virtual support services for businesses, creating a productive working relationship between Africans on the continent and African Americans or Afro Canadians. Our cost-effective and skilled talent enables business owners to access virtual assistant services at a fraction of the cost of hiring a local employee. We leverage technology to provide a competitive edge and increase productivity while freeing up time for high-value tasks. Additionally, WiNNCK creates job opportunities for African University Graduates. By partnering with us, businesses can receive high-quality support without worrying about overhead expenses. Let us help your business thrive with our range of virtual assistant services.
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Agriculture | Farms, Food Distribution, and Supermarkets, Apparel | Clothing and Accessories, Banking | Banks, Finance, and Funding Sources, Digital Services | Graphic Design, Digital Branding, Website Design, Digital Ads, Education | Schools and Higher Learning, Energy | Natural Resources, Renewable Energy & Public Utilities, Entertainment | Sports, Parks, Recreation, Concerts, Movies, Television, Streaming & Film, Fashion | Image, Style, Hair, Makeup and Beauty, Healthcare | Hospitals, Health Clinics and Health Services, Law Enforcement | Safety, Protection, Crisis Help and Community Service, Media | News, Information, Public Relations, Broadcast, Internet and Print, Other / General | General, Consultative, Niche, and Miscellaneous Services, Real Estate | Land, Commercial and Residential Property Sales, Leasing and Management, Retail | Department Stores, Malls, Shopping Centers, Tangible Products & Goods, Service | Business, Marketing, Advertising, Professional and Legal Services, Technology | Innovative Tech, Web Services, Apps and Digital Evolution, The Arts | Music, Video, Photography & Visual Expression, Transportation | Drivers, Limousines, Rideshares, Public Transit, Transporting and Logistics, Water | Clean Water and Management of Water Resources
Connecting Black Wealth and Infrastructure from Within
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Premium Website Design, Development, Hosting, Maintenance & Marketing
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ProBizCa is an All-In-One Digital Business Card Marketing Platform designed to help businesses CREATE, SHARE and GROW their Network and increase their Networth
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