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Connecting Black Wealth and Infrastructure from Within
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What is CirculateBLACK?…

CirculateBLACK is a social engagement platform built to encourage circulating wealth in the Black Community.  We exist to promote greater levels of commerce in our culture and in our communities in order to participate more in the American dream by supporting our own just as others have done for their own.  The power to build infrastructure from within is greater when we have revenue in circulation to facilitate exponential growth.

We encourage membership, participation, engagement and contributions on all levels, and our platform is open to all who see and support the vision.  Although anyone is welcome to join, we stand to promote resources first and foremost to the underserved Black Community, thus helping to keep dollars circulating in the Black Community longer in an effort to help solidify a strong financial foundation for building infrastructure and wealth from within.

In addition to U.S. Currency, we promote the circulation of Cryptocurrency through our strategic partner, BlackChain.  We encourage all who see the vision to join, get active and share with others.

What’s inside CirculateBLACK?
A Social Network, Business Directory, Marketplace, and Crowdfunding platform all in one place right at your fingertips…  JOIN TODAY FOR FREE!

Let’s Build Infrastructure

Your Dollar Has Power…
Why Not Circulate It?…

Imagine how well off your own community would be if everyone in the community patronized each other in business and commerce.  Just think of how much better products and services would be as a result of having the capital to improve and increase the quality of all things offered.  Envision the strength of that support spearheading widespread demand for quality goods created right within your own community from those not only in the community but outside the community as well.

By circulating our dollars within our community, we not only uplift and empower each other but also set a powerful example for future generations. Together, we can build a legacy of prosperity, innovation, and resilience that extends beyond our immediate surroundings. Let’s commit to supporting and investing in our community, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Infrastructure Based Initiatives

These are the initiatives we plan to be deep rooted in as it pertains to building wealth and infrastructure in our Black Communities.  Yes, this is an aggressive vision for progress, but we believe that together with your help and a focused collaborative effort from all of us, having our rooted imprint in these initiatives will bring about the prosperous change for the future we desire.


Transportation services such as roads, bridges, cycle highways, rail, airports and ports.


Production and delivery of energy from oil and gas to renewable sources including electric grids and sustainable energy sources such as solar panels and wind.


Water infrastructure that provides a supply of clean water and management of water resources.

Safety & Resilience

Institutions and systems that allow a region to endure stresses such as a natural disaster. For example, earthquake detection systems, tsunami shelters and a resilient source of local food.


Financial markets and services that support foundational economic processes such as raising capital, investing, maintaining wealth, payments and managing risk.

Health & Education

Institutions that provide for basic quality of life such as hospitals and schools.

Standards & Rules

Institutions that provide basic rules and standards that result in productive competition, stewardship of common resources and protection of quality of life.

Public Space

Public space that attracts economic activity such as tourism and corporate offices including parks, beaches and nature reserves.


Cultural institutions such as museums that attract tourists and companies to a region.


Baseline, new and emerging technology services such as networks, data and digital delivery.


Systems that improve environmental conditions such as rain gardens and green roofs.

Ideas to Help Support Our Infrastructure...

From the Mind of Our Founder.

I hear many people sharing compelling talking points, but I hear even more people asking for real solutions. Many believe a massive cash infusion will solve our problems, but money alone isn’t enough…

Let’s say all these extremely wealthy Black People with the cash and the power put up the money…  Ask yourself, “Is there a solid infrastructure to support it?”  I personally believe solutions are found also in planning, strategy, design, infrastructure, integration, implementation and deployment.  With this stated, I have a few bullet points listed below that are derived from my economic brainstorming.

  • For instance, a great start is doing business with Black-Owned Banks and getting the Black Banks on one accord as the financial institutions supporting Black Businesses and Home Ownership through seed funding, loans and bringing in grant holders to support it.
  • Creating and sustaining more Black-Owned and operated investment firms who invest in our own markets and startups creating new entries into the stock exchange recognized as a part of the S&P 500 and other EFTs.
  • Putting legislators in place (by voting them in) to normalize all sentencing in the criminal justice system (a Black Man should not get charged with a felony and handed twice and up to 10 times the penalty as a white man for the same crime or misdemeanor).
  • New Black-Owned Educational entities and facilities built with a curriculum that includes our history properly documented and taught (and not white-washed like it has been), the restoration of the arts, the teaching of trades, technology, coding, financial management, credit and how money works.
  • Funding our own auto industry in the United States.  There are a few auto manufacturers in Africa, but the U.S. does not recognize them here, nor do they allow their imports.  So, we need to create it here.
  • Keep improving on adding more Black-Owned grocery and agriculture companies through that same funding.
  • Funding our own community restoration instead of allowing the type of gentrification that pushes us out, and with this, place businesses and industries in or near these communities that allow the community to work and create more opportunities.
  • Funding to help facilitate this growth and improve on customer service and the quality of products and services by using the capital to improve our products and perfect our service offerings.

Along with shopping Black, as patrons, we all need the patience and support to allow our emerging Black Companies to improve as they grow instead of complaining and tearing them down.  All other cultures allow their businesses this courtesy, and as a benefit from a collective effort, they pour more money into their communities to help them grow and improve. What I am speaking of here has more to do with the mindset of unwavering support to accommodate these cash infusions instead of just providing the funding alone.

SURE, the listed bullet points are tall orders, however they all can be done.  It just takes time, discipline and focus.  I say all this to say, though the cash would help, the mindset has to accommodate it to circulate these funds in the Black Community while giving us the power to affect the change we so desperately want to see.  In certain parts of the country, this is happening, though slowly, progress is still being made.

In the end, these are some of the many solutions I think about.  Money alone just won’t do it, however, it WILL help!  In addition to asking all of you for your support in supporting this infrastructure financially, I have decided to do my part to provide a platform to help facilitate the business and personal needs of our community, The Black Community.

A. T. Holt, Founder

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We are commited to shopping Black whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself, and we encourage you to do the same!  As well, we know that not one person, company, or platform can do it alone, so we emplore you to get engaged and use this platform as another resource to support Black-Owned Businesses.  Also, be sure to spread the word and submit any known resources that are available to the Black Community along with any entities that are Black-Owned in any of the emerging infrastructure-based markets.

We look forward to circulating wealth with you, growing with you and succeeding with you…

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