Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 18, 2022
- Time: 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
The Sunday Meet Up (Every Sunday)
The perfect Sunday meet up with music, drinks & food! The first one kicks of with DJ Jamad (Afromentals) from Atlanta!
About this event
The Sunday Meetup is your spot to hear dope music and have unique drinks and hear music played by some of dopest DJs around. If you want to be somewhere where you can chill, drink and hear dope music you won’t hear anywhere else then come hang with us on Sept 18th and every Sunday after that! 5p-10p is perfect for Sunday!
This new speakeasy is located in Addison The Low-Key Poke Joint inside the secret door! Hit the Eventbrite link to get instructions and your tickets to get you in! The first Headliner DJ to play is DJ Jamad from the ATL! You know him from his Afromentals mixtape series and just being dope! Come hang with us and also check out another local opener DJ Soul Wonder and DJ Frances Jaye will also do a set!
Grab your seats and tickets here:
Walk in The Low Key Poke Joint, find the framed photo and scan it to get the password. Give it to the security guy and he will open the secret door and let you into this sexy speakeasy located down a short staircase.